scarecrows are fake jesus'
a twisted circus mirror reflection of Him
they hang high on their cross
a crudely put together figure
a stuffed symbol
a Frankenstein savior
everything that Christ is not
while He came to earth to gather his sheep
people came in flocks to be taught his great word
the scarecrow's sole purpose is to bring fear to flocks of birds
He suffered and died for us so we can stand tall
the cross wasn't for him, it was for us all
the scarecrow's cross which is much less profound
IS for him
what good is a pile of rags and straw in a heap on the ground?
for that's all he'd be, without the cross holding him up
useless, beyond help
never able to reach any potential
but what are we but a bunch of scarecrows ourselves
relying on each of our own personal crosses
none of us could be lifted up without His sacrifice
in our sin we'd be like the unassembled rags and straw
the cross provides us with something solid to cling to
gives us hope
our mistakes won't be the end of us
scarecrows are not trying to belittle the atonement
and they are not blasphemous, comparing themselves to Jesus
they're just like us, but they decide to carry the cross with them
as a reminder of how important it really is..